Tuesday, August 17, 2010

new article and new research ...

7% of general population has Restless Leg Syndrome

40% of CIDP patients have Restless Leg Syndrome

Aug 15

"Prevalence of RLS in CIDP was ascertained by face-to-face interview using validated criteria and compared with that in 28 age-and gender-matched controls. Eleven (39.3%) CIDP patients were diagnosed with RLS, compared with 2 (7.1%) controls (p <0.01). A significant correlation was ascertained between presence of RLS and lower limb weakness, functional disability, and summated compound muscle action potential (CMAP). The prevalence of RLS in CIDP was significantly higher than in controls in our study population, approaching 40%.

Screening for RLS in CIDP patients may be appropriate, particularly in those with weakness, disability, and motor axonal loss in the lower limbs," wrote Y.A. Rajabally and colleagues, University Hospital, Department of Neurology.

The researchers concluded: "Our findings may otherwise suggest the existence of peripheral components to the pathophysiology of RLS in patients with CIDP."

Rajabally and colleagues published their study in Muscle & Nerve (Restless legs syndrome in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Muscle & Nerve, 2010;42(2):252-6).

For additional information, contact Y.A. Rajabally, Leicester General Hospital, Dept. of Neurology, Neuromuscular Clinic, University Hospitals of Leicester, Leicester LE5 4PW, UK.
(c) 2010 Health & Medicine Week via NewsRx.com

I'm one who had problems with RLS prior to being diagnosed with CIDP. The meds used for either/both aren't tolerated by me. Nasty side effects. ( no details ... too gross ) I can wait until the RLS starts and take 1/2 a Vicodin, which I've done from "stash" leftover from surgeries, but that's gone and my neuro won't prescribe "narcotics". So -- I'm between a rock and a hard place.